DOOR TO DOOR GRANADA TRAVEL S. L. (“DOOR TO DOOR TRAVEL”) with NIF: B19641711 and registered office at Mesones Street-Plaza Cauchiles 4, 18001 Granada. Registered as a Wholesale-Retail Travel Agency in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia with RTA No.: AV/GR/00693 and C.I.AN-186924-3. Registered in the Mercantile Registry No. 4 of Granada, Volume 1632, Book 0, Folio 69, Sheet GR-50287 and Inscription 1st.
Customer Service: office telephones +34 683 122 370, their schedule from Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 20:30 p.m., Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 19:30 p.m.
Contact e-mail: [email protected]
1. Pre-contractual information.
2. Information on provisions applicable to passports, visas and vaccinations.
3. Reservation request.
4. Confirmation of the reservation.
The perfection of the package travel contract occurs with the confirmation of the reservation. From that moment the combined travel contract is mandatory for both parties.
5. Payment schedule.
6. Benefits.
The services that make up the package travel contract result from the information provided to the consumer in the pre-contractual information and will not be modified unless the travel agency and the traveler expressly agree as provided for in Clause 1.3.
In advance of the start of the trip, the travel agency will provide the traveler with the receipts, vouchers and tickets necessary for the provision of services.
7. Accommodation.
8. Transport.
9. Modification of the contract.
10. Modification of the contract.
The traveler may choose between accepting the proposed modification or terminating the contract without penalty. If the traveller chooses to terminate the contract, he/she may accept a substitute package which, where appropriate, is offered by the organising agency or the retail agency.
Such substitute journey shall, if possible, be of equivalent or higher quality. If the modification of the contract or the substitute trip results in a trip of lower quality or cost, the traveller is entitled to an appropriate price reduction.
In the event that the traveller chooses to terminate the contract without penalty or does not accept the substitute package offered, the organising agency or, where appropriate, the retail agency, will refund all payments made for the trip, within a period not exceeding fourteen calendar days from the date of termination of the contract. For these purposes, the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 6 of Clause 22 shall apply.
11. Price Review.
12. Transfer of the reservation.
13. Resolution of the trip by the traveler beore the departure of the trip.
14. Cancellation of travel by the organizer before the departure of the trip.
If the organizing agency cancels the contract for reasons not attributable to the traveler, it must refund all the payments made by the traveler within a period not exceeding 14 calendar days from the termination of the contract. The organizing agency will not be responsible for paying any additional compensation to the traveler if the cancellation is due to:
15. Withdrawal before the start of the trip in contracts concluded outside the establishment.
In the case of contracts concluded outside the establishment (understood as those defined in article 92.2 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007), the traveler may withdraw from the contracted trip for any reason and without penalty, with the right to a refund of the price paid for the trip, within 14 days following the conclusion of the contract.
16. Duty of communication any lack of conformity of contracts.
If the traveller observes that any of the services included in the trip is not performed in accordance with the contract, the traveller shall report the lack of conformity to the organising agency or, where applicable, to the retail agency without undue delay, taking into account the circumstances of the case. It is understood as lack of conformity, the non-execution or incorrect execution of the travel services included in a package travel contract.
17. Remedy any lack of conformity of the contract and non-provision, as agreed in the contract, of a significant part of the travel services.
18. Impossibility of guaranteeing return as provided for in the contract due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances.
19. Duty of collaboration of the consumer to the normal development of the trip.
The traveller must follow the instructions provided by the organising agency, the retailer or their local representatives for the proper execution of the trip, as well as the regulations that are generally applicable to users of the services included in the package. In particular, on group trips he will keep due respect for the other participants and will observe conduct that does not prejudice the normal development of the trip.
20. Agency Duty of Care.
21. Liability of travel agencies.
22. Right to price reduction, indemnity and limitations.
23. Applicable Law.
This package travel contract is governed by what has been agreed between the parties and by the provisions of these general conditions, in the current and applicable regional regulations, as well as by the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the defense of consumers and users and other complementary laws.
24. Complaints to the agency
25. Alternative Dispute Resolution.
26. Legal actions.
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