Viajes de Lujo en Andalucía


The Seville April Fair is one of the most emblematic celebrations in Andalusia. Over the years, this fair has evolved and has become one of the most important and internationally recognised festivals.

  • Origins: The Feria de Abril of Seville had its beginnings in 1847, when two councillors of the time had the idea of holding an annual three-day fair, which would take place in April. It was held as a livestock market for the sale and purchase of animals. With the passing of time, this fair took on a festive character, thus changing its mercantile character and finally becoming a popular celebration.
  • Date and duration: The Seville April Fair takes place from the second Sunday after Easter to the following Saturday, both inclusive. which places it in the month of April or May. The fair usually lasts for a whole week, during which the city is filled with colour, music and joy.
  • Casetas: One of the most distinctive features of the Feria de Abril are the “casetas”, which are small decorated structures where families, friends and associations gather to enjoy dishes such as fried “Pescaíto”, prawns, ham, cheese and other types of tapas, and of course the famous “rebujito”. Each “caseta” has its own name and personality, and is a meeting point for socialising, dancing sevillanas and having fun.
  • Flamenco dresses: During this famous week, it is common to see women wearing flamenco dresses, also called gypsy dresses. These dresses are traditional Andalusian costumes characterised by their bright colours and ruffles always accompanied by their mantilla, and their mythical flower positioned in the middle of the head that decorates the up-do of the flamenca’s hair. These costumes form part of the essence of the fair and contribute to creating a festive and joyful atmosphere.
  • Activities: In addition to the sevillanas that can be danced inside and even outside the casetas, the Feria de Abril offers a wide variety of activities for all audiences, such as bullfights, fairground rides for the little ones and horse parades. These activities help to keep the tradition alive and attract visitors from all over the world.

In short, Seville’s April Fair is much more than just a celebration, it is a showcase of the rich Andalusian culture and a reflection of the hospitality and joy of its people. Every year the Real continues to be packed with people as this fair continues to captivate locals and tourists alike, consolidating itself as one of the most important festivals in Spain.

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